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Baldwin Middle School

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School Calendars


Activity Suggestions

1. "Learn a language!" Learn Sign language, Spanish, Latin or Pig Latin! Teach each other a new word or phrase at each session. Write them down to keep track and see how many you can remember.

2. "Show and Tell!" You and your mentee can both bring in photos or items that are important to you.

3. "Act it out!" Go to the library, find a play, and read it out loud.

4. You can each make a list of 25 things you want to do or accomplish during your lifetime and share it with one another.

5. "Story Swap!" Start writing a story with your mentee, then take turns adding new fun twists and turns.

6. "What is onomatopoeia? Find out!" Each of you seek out new and interesting English words and share them at your next session. Make your own definitions.

7. "What's your plan?" Make a timeline of your life over the next 5-10 years. What do you want to accomplish by the time you are 14, 16, 18, 25?

8. "Make a collage!" Choose a theme like: "What do I want in my future?", "What is fashion?", "What I want to be", and find pictures and words in old magazines and glue them on paper.

9. Play Frisbee.

10. Paper Airplanes! Find a book or website about how to make different kinds of paper airplanes and have a contest to see whose goes the farthest!

11. Discuss a current event.

12. "Take a tour!" Let your mentee give you a tour of their school.

13. "Solve it!" You and your mentee both take time making up your own math worksheets, then swap sheets, set the timer and see how many each of you can get done. This is most beneficial as a skill/self-esteem building activity if the mentor makes sure the math problems they create are on their mentee's math level. Your mentee will get a kick out of making your problems as difficult as then can!

14. Organize! Assist your mentee in organizing school work and developing study schedules.

15. Take your mentee's spelling words and cut the letters to spell each word out of newspapers, magazines and pictures and make spelling word flashcards.

16. Play tic-tac-toe or the dot game.

17. Go bird watching or virtual bird watching

18. Learn how to make Origami

19. Play 20 questions.

20. Put together a puzzle or make your own.

21. Learn to play a new card game like "I declare war", "go Fish", Hearts, Gin Rummy, Memory, Old Maid.

22. Play hangman.

23. Create a flip book.

24. Play Sudoku.

25. Do a crossword puzzle or word search, or make your own!

26. Take turns reading a page, paragraph or sentence from a funny story aloud.

27. Walk on the playground and find as many leaves as possible and then try to find which trees your leaves came from.

28. Play charades.

29. "It's a mystery!" Write down a list of 10 things you've always wanted to know. "Why is it dark at night?", How does a car work?", How does an airplane fly?". Go to the library or go to the internet to figure out the answers.

30. Color or draw a picture.

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Interesting Resources

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